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Celebrate Asheville Beer Week in Beer City, USA! With more breweries per capita than any U.S. city, it makes a lot of sense that Asheville would have a whole week dedicated to beer and that the week would also include the popular Beer City Festival. The week-long event's purpose is to increase exposure for local brewers and foster community among beer lovers in addition to highlighting the warmth of the Asheville community.

Activities will include beer release parties, local live music, BBQ and beer pairings, beer education workshops, and more. Each event that is featured on Asheville Beer Week's website will have event details and will mention if an entry fee is required. For visitors looking to conveniently celebrate the week's festivities, the South Slope brewery district is a great location to spend time in as it is home to over a dozen breweries that are located within a couple of blocks of one another. 

Beer City Festival will take place as the closing of the festivities at Roger McGuire Green in downtown Asheville. Admission includes an official Beer City Festival tasting mug, access to over 30+ breweries in one location, a festival food court, and live music. 

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